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Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Prairieville, LA

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Prairieville, LA

Motorcycle accidents often result in serious injuries, sometimes leaving the victim paralyzed, with significant brain damage or other lifelong injury. Even a less serious motorcycle accident leaves the victim with weeks or months of painful recovery and no guarantee that they’ll be fully restored to health. If you were in a motorcycle wreck, whether you were hit by another vehicle or wrecked because of other causes, like a roadway in poor repair or a defective bike, then you may have grounds to demand compensation from the at-fault party. An experienced Prairieville, LA, motorcycle accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve. Call Cashio Injury Attorneys, LLC, today to learn more in a free consultation.

How Can A Prairieville Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Help Me?

After a motorcycle wreck, you could be facing a lengthy hospital stay and painful recuperation. The last thing on your mind is your legal issue, but it’s something that you should consider soon. You may be approached by a representative from the other party’s insurance company, offering a fast settlement. The money may look appealing when you’re unsure when you’ll be able to get back to work or how you’ll pay your medical bills.

An experienced motorcycle accident attorney can evaluate the full value of your claim and demand the money you deserve to cover all your losses. Your lawyer conducts an independent investigation into the wreck, gathering evidence to prove the liability of the driver or other party who caused it. A lawyer can also handle all communications with the other party, including the insurance company and other lawyers, so that you can rest and heal.

Finally, having a lawyer can help shield you from being unfairly accused of causing the wreck. Many people may believe that motorcycle riders take unnecessary risks, even if they wear a helmet and obey traffic rules. Your lawyer helps establish that you were being responsible and did not recklessly cause the incident.

Getting Compensation To Help You Recover After A Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accident injuries can be severe and costly to treat. Your compensation should cover past, present, and future medical needs, including rehabilitative therapy or treatment in a skilled nursing facility. You likely missed work due to your injuries, and your compensation can cover that, too. If you were permanently injured, and it affected your earning potential, then you can be compensated for your diminished earning capacity, too.

Accurately valuing your losses can get complicated, especially when factoring in your pain and suffering and the emotional trauma you may suffer. Experienced attorneys can help ensure you’ll get the money you need to cover all your damages.

Book A Free Consultation Today

If you’ve been hurt in a motorcycle accident, we can help you. A skilled Prairieville motorcycle accident lawyer from Cashio Injury Attorneys, LLC, works with you to assert your legal rights for compensation. We can investigate the accident, draft your claim, and negotiate full and fair compensation for all your losses. Call us today for a free case review.