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Lyft Accident Lawyer Prairieville, LA

Lyft Accident Lawyer Prairieville, LA

As the number of rideshare drivers in Prairieville increases, so also does the number of rideshare accidents. Whether you’re a passenger in the Lyft vehicle or another person sharing the road with the rideshare, you may have grounds to demand compensation from both the Lyft driver and Lyft itself. However, rideshare accidents are more complex than other types of car accident claims, and it may be more difficult to get full compensation than you think. An experienced Prairieville, LA, Lyft accident lawyer from Cashio Injury Attorneys, LLC, can evaluate your case and help you learn your legal options. We offer a free initial consultation, and you can book yours with one of our attorneys today!

What Makes A Good Prairieville Lyft Accident Lawyer?

Navigating the complexities of a Lyft accident takes insight and technical legal knowledge. A good rideshare accident lawyer understands the difficulties involved in these types of claims and keeps abreast of changes in Louisiana rideshare liability laws that could affect your case. Your lawyer can explain how the law applies in your case and the possibilities open to you, including filing a lawsuit against the Lyft driver and whether the Lyft company shares responsibility for the crash.

A good lawyer also knows what it takes to build a strong case against the at-fault party, including both the Lyft driver and the Lyft company. They can interview witnesses to understand what happened or subpoena the phone data from the Lyft driver. This may indicate what the driver was doing at the time of the accident and could be used as evidence that the driver was distracted (and therefore responsible for the crash).

However, Lyft often looks closely at accident claims and may push back against a large claim. You can be sure their lawyers will closely examine the driver’s liability and may even question whether you shared some of the blame. Your lawyer can protect your interests and defend you against spurious accusations.

Compensation Available After A Lyft Accident

A Lyft driver’s coverage depends on whether they’re logged into the app and accepting fares, transporting a fare, or if they’re not logged into the app (and therefore a private driver). So, even if you see a Lyft sticker on the car, the river may not be working at the time. However, if the driver is transporting a fare, then Lyft’s $1 million liability insurance policy may cover any damages the driver does.

You’re entitled to compensation for your current and future medical care and the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle. You can also demand compensation for pain and suffering and a diminished quality of life due to your injuries.

Hardworking Rideshare Accident Attorneys Focused On You

Do you need help getting compensation for your medical bills, damaged vehicle, and pain and suffering? We can help you! The legal team at Cashio Injury Attorneys, LLC, has the knowledge and experience you need to get a top-dollar settlement. Call us today for a free case review with a skilled Lyft accident lawyer.